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    Saturday, May 15, 2021

    Madden NFL AFC Championship. Spent 20+ hours rebuilding and playing thru every game. Lead a game winning drive. Then, this.

    Madden NFL AFC Championship. Spent 20+ hours rebuilding and playing thru every game. Lead a game winning drive. Then, this.

    AFC Championship. Spent 20+ hours rebuilding and playing thru every game. Lead a game winning drive. Then, this.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    It is literally impossible to add more

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    I enjoy playing franchise as an owner and doing fantasy drafts. I like to challenge myself on offense so I draft all defensive starters first. Age is my biggest factor cuz apparently 30 is old in madden. Then I take the leftovers for offense and try to develop them.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    Madden 2000 play editor for the PS2. Why isnt this feature in Madden 20 plus years later?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    A Miracle in Miami

    Posted: 14 May 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Hey coach ��

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    The Chiefs QB Room is overly stacked

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:53 PM PDT


    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    As we all know, Madden has sucked in recent years. I suggest we boycott Madden 22 so they decide to make a good game for 23. All they care about is money, don't even try to say otherwise. Downvote as you wish, I do not care.

    submitted by /u/OswaldXC
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    We Need To Stop Blaming EA For How Bad Madden Is.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 11:54 PM PDT

    I know right off the bat people are going to read the title and disagree with what I have to say without even reading the post. Which I am totally fine with. But the thing is we need to stop blaming EA for the shit game that is madden. The people we need to blame for how bad this game is the people who play Madden Ultimate Team Or MUT for short.

    Listen I love madden, I have been playing this game for as long as I can remember. The first madden game I ever played was madden 03. I look back at the games that where on the ps2 and the Xbox 360 and wonder like many people, why are those games so much better then todays games. We have so much better technology why cant we make a better game now then from 15 years ago. We all like to blame EA and go they are a scummy company who is only out for money. They dont care what they put out they know the madden and fifa simps will come crawling back each year only to be upset with the copy and paste product they put. But does EA care, No and why should they. They are a businesses out there trying to make money. If I was in EA's shoes I would 100% be doing the same things. They look a MUT and go, Look everyone easy money. Again I cant blame EA for taking the frankly easy money that dipshit Ultimate Team players give them every year. They look at it like taking candy from a dumb baby. No wonder why since Madden 11 the year they added MUT to madden the game have been rolling down a hill at mock speed. EA looked at MUT and said if it's this easy why not.

    Every since madden 11 the EA team seeming takes things out of the game the franchise gamers love. Only to focus more on there money maker. Now with that being said I dont have anything against card games and pack openings. Hell I love Magic The Gathering Arena. The different from MTGA to MUT is someone can spend all there money in MTGA and still lose to someone who has put almost no if any money into the game. Yeah that person might have all the cards they could ever want. But the game is so much more then having all the best cards. It how you play your cards and how you build your decks. Plus drwing the right cards at the right time and getting lucky when you pull just the card you need at that time. I can have a pre made deck that the MTGA game gives me and still beat a person who has spent 1000$ in the game. Now in MUT if I dont spend any money I am going to get beat in almost every game even if im the better madden player. I hate pay to win and so do a lot of other people, and MUT at the end of the day is and always will be pay to win. Same goes with FUT AND HUT( Fifa and Nhl ultimate team).

    Now this brings me to the MUT players. Last year when madden 21 came out everyone was up in arms about how little they added to franchise mode and the disrespected that EA showed the franchise community. That's why the hashtag #fixmaddenfranchise was so popular even the MUT players where like come on EA like your really not doing anything for the franchise guys out there come on. Which frankly to all the MUT players out there that showed support for the franchise player you can go fuck yourselves. You jackasses go ahead and say hey franchise mode needs to be fixed, then right after tweeting your support log right back into MUT and spend a stupid amount of money in the mode just so you can have a good team and never touch the mode your trying to show support for. Again you guys can go and fuck yourself. We shouldn't be saying EA is the problem, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. All MUT players single handily destroyed the game so many people love. EA is a company that wants to make money and when stupid people like ultimate team players keep giving them free cash no wonder EA continues to make dog shit games. EA isnt the problem, yes they make the games and they basically copy and paste each year, which is super shity. But when they make tons of money off of stupid people and they go to the NFLPA and the Owners and say hey look at how much money we made for both you and us, I cant blame the the NFLPA and the owners looking at it and saying well if you made a ton of money off the game then they must be doing good. Yeah we will continue to allow you to make a bad game each year because it makes MONEY.

    So we all need to stop blaming EA. Yes they suck and yes the NFL needs to move on from them in the future but there is only one group of players in the madden community that should be taking the blame for how bad the game is and that is the ultimate team players. Instead of #Fixmaddenfranchise or #NFLdropea we should be saying #dropultimateteam. Because when the game had no ultimate team it was better and EA cared. Now they dont.

    With that being said I hear you saying well EA isnt just going to drop there biggest money maker from there games. That would basically be suicided for the company. They wont do that. EA needs microtransaction to keep the doors open. Now as much as I hate microtransaction in games, EA shouldn't get ride of them. I hate the microtransaction that are pay to win, and again ultimate team is pay to win. If EA doesn't was to lose out on the microtransaction game then they keep it in the game. But they only sell cosmetics/ skins. Now you might be asking how would this work in a sports game. I get how that can work in a game like fortnite or even overwatch. But how are skins gonna work in a football game. Instead bring in a coin system where if you play the game you get coins for simply playing the game and you can use those coins to unlock classic jerseys for franchise and online head to head mode. You could even make some of the some relocation city's and stadiums locked until you get them from a pack. Im not saying I would super happy with this as I love make a relocation team and turning them into something great and building a story around the franchise but yeah I get EA needs to make money and this isnt a pay to win option that would still get them a bunch more cash rolling in as to just the 80$ that we pay if not more at the game drop. Hell from face of the franchise or even the yard to can use those coins to buy things for your custom player. Like if you like waring a chain and you want your custom player to wear one in game that could be something you unlock. Hell even Fifa has in game coins that you can spend on perks in franchise mode. The have a feature where you can spend coins and scout a future super star. Add that to madden franchise mode and let the game auto scout and make a super star player where I know there overall right away with all the details about them. Like if its a super star QB, I buy this perk it tells me everything I need to right away. It will even tell me how high overall this player will make it to. Make some in game features like that, hell I might even spend a couple more dollars for that. What im say is that even if EA does and should drop ultimate team they can still make a shit ton of cash off of things that wont make it if I choose not to spend anymore money I can still have a good time and have fun.

    Thanks MUT players, this is your fault. I hope your happy.

    submitted by /u/Cuddles999
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    Has anyone ever drafted a player who wasn't a QB turn out to ever be a decent starter/backup QB in Madden??

    Posted: 14 May 2021 11:21 PM PDT

    Like say you draft a julian edleman type WR who could also play qb at a backup role. Has anyone done this?? I've just never seen it before and wondered If madden even makes that possible

    submitted by /u/ADwarfsMidget
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    I am doing a franchise challenge.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    So I have a Madden Challenge that I might uploading to YouTube. The challenge is that you take a team and replace all of the starting line up with custom characters. The custom characters have to be made after real life people with realistic ratings. Now here's the problem, I don't have a lot of people interested in being put in my challenge. I was hoping that there were some people here that would be interested. I simplified everything into a small survey. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MXCHkraIYN7a5fLFTSVHFRjPIVHY48rJ76ErRbReQTk/edit

    submitted by /u/Axsonjaxson16
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    Hi how are ya

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Number SIX on the chart at TE -or- Number three at QB....we got options going into the pre-season. ����

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Just like it was drawn up!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    I need help

    Posted: 14 May 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    (Im on PS4) So my controller dies so I backed out of the franchise I was playing and turned my console off. Went back half an hour later no Franchise I was 6 years into that shit to. And yes I did try rebuilding database. Any advice would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/catsaregreat11
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    EA promises massive year of improvements. What're your thoughts on this?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    More HFL: An Early classic for a Football minor league-- Watch this and you may become a fan.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    In madden 21, Dak Prescott has. 98 OVR, in some videos, he has a 99 OVR, is this through chemistry or something else?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    In madden 21, Dak Prescott has. 98 OVR, in some videos, he has a 99 OVR, is this through chemistry or something else?

    submitted by /u/Section658_YT
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    Does the game significantly adjust AI opponents (online franchise)

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    Say I'm relatively new to the game and my friend is highly skilled, and we start an online franchise. When playing AI opponents, will the game adjust the difficulty of those opponents to be close to the human player's skill level? Trying to figure out an odd situation where some players in our league find the AI difficult to beat, but destroy the human players, whereas the other players are the exact opposite. So player A has hard time with AI but kills humans, player B thinks the AI is easy to beat but can't beat human players. Just trying to figure out how the game logic might adjust difficulty.

    submitted by /u/bonecheck12
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    I became an administrator on Madden Wiki, I would like some advice on building up the wiki.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    I want to build up the wiki at https://madden.fandom.com/wiki/Madden_Wiki to have a consistent category structure, consistent framework for team and game pages, have filled in details for all the pages about the games in the Madden NFL series, and have detailed pages for real life NFL gameplay mechanics such as penalties, plays, quarters, and overtime, as they relate to the gameplay of the Madden NFL series. Later, I want to get the pages about the current top NFL superstars added to the wiki and filled with the stat info for the current Madden NFL game. At the endgame, I intend to get complete statistics for players and team rosters.

    I would like some suggestions on how to get the project kickstarted.

    submitted by /u/Tag365
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    Tim Tebow's rating in Madden 22 as a TE

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    I just ran some predicted ratings in the creation center, with the ratings I have for him he will be 54 ovr. I also reviewed his ratings from previous Maddens.

    All his ratings I'm predicting:

    Overall: 54 (was guessing around 58)

    Speed: 72

    Acceleration: 74

    Agility: 80

    Awareness: 58

    Catching: 68

    Catch in traffic: 52

    Spec Catch: 60

    Release: 57

    Jumping: 80 (38.5" vertical) Josh oliver had a 34.0" vert and has 82 jumping. decreased for his age.

    Carrying: 78

    BC Vision: 72

    Stiff Arm: 77

    Break tackle: 76

    Trucking: 81

    Spin Move: 65

    Juke Move: 71

    Short Route Running: 58

    Medium Route: 54

    Deep route running: 43

    Change of direction: 67

    Impact Blocking: 54

    Lead Block: 57

    Pass Blocking: 50 (68 is highest in m21, 47 is lowest)

    Pass Block Finesse: 54

    Pass Block Power: 62

    Run Blocking: 57 (78 is highest in m21, 43 lowest)

    Run Block Finesse: 55

    Run Block Power: 62

    Injury: 95

    Stamina: 90

    Strength: 86 (Lee smith has the highest strngth ratings for te's at 84.)

    Toughness: 96


    Aggressive Catches: No

    Rac Catches: Yes

    Fights for Extra Yards: Yes

    Covers the Ball: Brace against big hitters

    High Motor: Yes

    Penalty: Disciplined

    submitted by /u/asterix796
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    Week 1 | Lets Go!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    What is your favorite draft classes you have made or seen?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    For franchise each year me and my friends take turns creating a draft class. Weve made video game characters, tv character, superheroes, draft busts (but make them good).

    So what are some of your favorite themed classes you've made/seen?

    submitted by /u/thebakalaka412
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