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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    Madden NFL Should I be worried?

    Madden NFL Should I be worried?

    Should I be worried?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST

    I've never seen this animation before

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:32 AM PST

    13 seasons 15,000+ yards, 109 TD’s, 8 pro bowls, and 2x league MVP. The best 7th round pick I’ve ever had as a GM, Benjamin Parsons. Does anyone else literally have feelings when a good player you’ve had for several seasons retires?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

    Why can I not get any credit!? Wtf I’m actually mad

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

    102yd Kick return on Dem Bois! What's your strategy to kick returns? Aggressive? Patient?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

    Madden 20 Earned X-Factors and Abilities List

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:57 PM PST

    I decided to make this post so that myself and the rest of the Madden community can see what abilities and X-Factors each position can earn throughout Franchise. Note that this post may not be complete as future updates can add new abilities and X-Factors as well as the lack of research and testing in some positions. If there are any mistakes or anything I forgot to add, please let me know so I can update the list.




    Omaha - Field General

    Hi-Lo Deadeye - Field General

    Pro Reads - Field General

    Brick Wall - Field General

    Gambler - Improviser

    Blitz Radar - Improviser

    Run and Gun - Improviser

    Bazooka - Strong Arm

    Fearless - Strong Arm

    First One Free - Scrambler

    Freight Train - Scrambler


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 60 overall):

    Leapfrog - Scrambler

    Lofting Deadeye - Strong Arm

    Last Chance - Improviser

    Inside Deadeye - Field General

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 70 overall):

    Conductor - Field General

    Pocket Deadeye - Field General

    Juke Box - Scrambler

    Juke Box - Spin Cycle

    Bulldozer - Improviser

    Roaming Deadeye - Improvisor

    Anchored Extender - Strong Arm

    Long Range Deadeye - Strong Arm

    Slot 3 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Clutch - Available for every archetype

    Homer - Available for every archetype

    Slot 4 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Red Zone Deadeye - Field General

    Hot Route Master - Field General

    Pocket Lead - Strong Arm

    Sideline Deadeye - Strong Arm

    Dashing Deadeye - Improvisor

    Sleight of Hand - Improvisor

    Agile Extender - Scrambler

    Fastbreak - Scrambler

    Slot 5 (unlocked at 95 overall):

    Threat Detector - Improvisor

    No-Look Deadeye - Improvisor

    Escape Artist - Improvisor and Scrambler

    Human Joystick - Scrambler

    Pass Lead Elite - Strong Arm

    Set Feet Elite - Strong Arm

    Safety Valve - Field General

    Protected - Field General

    Half Back:

    X - Factors:

    Wrecking Ball - Power

    Protective Custody - Power

    First One Free - Elusive

    Satellite - Receiving

    Max Security - Receiving


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Juke Box - Elusive

    Spin Cycle - Elusive

    Bulldozer - Power

    Tank - Power

    Arm Bar - Power

    RB Apprentice - Receiving

    In Specialist - Receiving

    Post Flag Elite - Receiving

    Curl Specialist - Receiving

    Return Man - Receiving

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Leapfrog - Elusive

    Human Joystick - Elusive

    Outside Zone Guru - Power

    Inside Zone Guru - Power

    Pin N Pull Guru - Power

    Grab N Go - Receiving

    Backfield Mismatch - Receiving

    Matchup Nightmare - Receiving

    Playmaker - Receiving

    \For some reason, half backs cannot earn the Evasive ability**

    Fullback *note that this position has several abilities that repeat. This position is also not as well researched*:


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Bulldozer - Utility

    RB Apprentice - Utility

    Tank - Utility

    Zone Blocker - Blocking

    Secure Protector - Blocking

    Power Blocker - Blocking

    All Day - Blocking

    Arm Bar - Blocking

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Pin N Pull Guru - Utility

    Backfield Mismatch - Utility

    Nasty Streak - Blocking

    Arm Bar - Blocking and Utility

    Inside Zone Guru - Blocking and Utility

    Outside Zone Guru - Blocking and Utility

    Bulldozer - Blocking and Utility

    Wide Receiver:


    Double Me - Deep Threat

    Mossed - Deep Threat

    Rac' Em Up - Route Runner

    Wrecking Ball - Physical

    Max Security - Physical

    First One Free - Slot


    Slot 1(unlocked at 80 overall):

    In Out Elite - Deep Threat

    Post Flag Elite - Deep Threat

    In Specialist - Route Runner

    Route Technician - Route Runner

    Slant Specialist - Physical

    Curl Specialist - Physical

    Matchup Nightmare - Physical

    Spin Cycle - Slot

    Juke Box - Slot

    Slot Apprentice - Slot

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Streak Specialist - Deep Threat

    Post Specialist - Deep Threat

    Double Move Elite - Deep Threat

    Outside Apprentice - Route Runner

    WR Apprentice - Route Runner

    Cross Specialist - Route Runner

    Leap Frog - Physical

    Red Zone Threat - Physical

    Grab N Go - Slot

    Slot O Matic - Slot

    Tight End:


    Wrecking Ball - Blocking

    Mossed - Vertical Threat

    Rac' Em Up - Vertical Threat

    Double Me - Vertical Threat

    Protective Custody - Possession

    Max Security - Possession


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    All Day - Blocking

    Power Blocker - Blocking

    Zone Blocker - Blocking

    Bulldozer - Blocking

    Arm Bar - Blocking

    Cross Specialist - Blocking

    Post Flag Elite - Vertical Threat

    Post Specialist - Vertical Threat

    Streak Specialist - Vertical Threat

    Tank - Possession

    In Out Elite - Possession

    In Specialist - Possession

    Slot O Matic - Possession

    Curl Specialist - Possession

    *Note: Offensive Linemen abilities have not been fully researched\*

    Offensive Line:


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Post Up - Available for every archetype

    Zone Blocker - Agile

    Secure Protector - Pass Protector

    Power Blocker - Power

    Puller Elite - Power

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Nasty Streak - available for every archetype

    Pass Block Elite - Pass Protector

    Edge Protector - Pass Protector

    All Day - Pass Protector

    Threat Detector - Pass Protector and Agile

    Run Block Elite - Agile

    Defensive Line:


    Reinforcement - Run Stopper

    Run Stuffer - Run Stopper

    Fearmonger - Speed Rusher

    Unstoppable Force - Power Rusher


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Secure Tackler - available for every archetype

    Unfakeable - available for every archetype

    Goal Line Stuff - Run Stopper

    No Outsiders - Run Stopper (for DE's only)

    Out My Way - Run Stopper

    Inside Stuff - Run Stopper

    Strip Specialist - Speed Rusher

    Under Pressure - Power Rusher

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Run Stopper - Run Stopper

    Enforcer - Run Stopper

    Reach Elite - Run Stopper

    Edge Threat - Speed Rusher (for DE's only)

    Finesse Specialist - Speed Rusher

    Pass Rush Elite - Power Rusher

    Power Specialist - Power Rusher

    Outside Linebacker:


    Fearmonger - Speed Rusher

    Unstoppable Force - Power Rusher

    Shutdown - Pass Coverage

    Zone Hawk - Pass Coverage

    Reinforcement - Run Stopper

    Run Stuffer - Run Stopper

    Selfless - Run Stopper


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Secure Tackler - available for every archetype

    Unfakeable - available for every archetype

    Strip Specialist - Speed Rusher

    Under Pressure - Power Rusher

    Inside Stuff - Run Stopper

    No Outsiders - Run Stopper

    Out My Way - Run Stopper

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Edge Threat - Speed Rusher

    Finesse Specialist - Speed Rusher

    Pass Rush Elite - Power Rusher

    Power Specialist - Power Rusher

    Pick Artist - Pass Coverage

    Man Up - Pass Coverage

    Zoned Out - Pass Coverage

    Lurker - Pass Coverage

    Lumberjack - Pass Coverage

    Run Stopper - Run Stopper

    Enforcer - Run Stopper

    Reach Elite - Run Stopper

    Middle Linebacker:


    Reinforcement - Field General

    Shutdown - Pass Coverage

    Zone Hawk - Pass Coverage

    Run Stuffer - Run Stopper

    Selfless - Run Stopper


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Tip Drill - available for every archetypes

    Secure Tackler - available for every archetypes

    Unfakeable - available for every archetypes

    Under Pressure - Field General

    Strip Specialist - Field General

    Out My Way - Run Stopper

    Inside Stuff - Run Stopper

    No Outsiders - Run Stopper

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Pick Artist - Field General

    Man Up - Pass Coverage

    Lumberjack - Pass Coverage

    Lurker - Pass Coverage

    Zoned Out - Pass Coverage

    Run Stopper - Run Stopper

    Enforcer - Run Stopper

    Reach Elite - Run Stopper



    Zone Hawk - Zone

    Shutdown - Man to Man

    Reinforcement - Slot

    Selfless - Slot


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Tip Drill - available for every archetype

    Unfakeable - available for every archetype

    Acrobat - Zone

    Strip Specialist - Slot

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Pick Artist - available for every archetype

    Universal Coverage - available for every archetype

    Zoned Out - Zone

    Lumberjack - Zone

    Man Up - Man to Man



    Shutdown - Hybrid

    Zone Hawk - Zone

    Reinforcement - Run Support

    Selfless - Run Support

    Momentum Shift - Run Support


    Slot 1 (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Tip Drill - available for every archetype

    Secure Tackler - available for every archetype

    Unfakeable - available for every archetype

    Acrobat - Zone

    Reach Elite - Run Support

    Strip Specialist - Run Support

    Out My Way - Run Support

    No Outsiders - Run Support

    Slot 2 (unlocked at 90 overall):

    Pick Artist - available for every archetype

    Universal Coverage - available for every archetype

    Man Up - Hybrid

    Zoned Out - Zone

    Lurker - Zone

    Lumberjack - Zone

    Enforcer - Run Support

    Kickers and Punters:

    Abilities (unlocked at 80 overall):

    Focused Kicker

    Clutch Kicker

    If you guys see something incorrect or could contribute in any way, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Ogawg178
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    Now that we've seen Lamar Jackson's success running the ball, can mobile QBs PLEASE stop fumbling every time they get touched?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    I've never seen a pass rusher do this animation before

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:19 PM PST

    tf just happened ..

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    Stats history are really shitty in the game

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:42 PM PST

    So, I like Madden, but for CFM, and for "role playing CFM".

    As in, I want to know stats historically of players, know which teams they played before, have more context into the news (which are fun on the UX side, but reaaaaaaaaally shallow on content, same for the voice narration btw, it uses stuff like season performance or new contracts, but it gets repetitive way too soon). I think Madden, all the previous versions since 16 have issues on that. I mean the game looks cool, it makes me want to play it, but then when I get to I get tired of a save after one season because the next season feels like a new save, which was not my intent when playing Franchise.

    Not really sure why I posted this, I think I just wanted to see if other players want that as well or feel like that when playing Franchise. For me Madden is super pretty but shallow as fuck, and not only on the AI simulation that people keep complaining about.

    submitted by /u/cristiadu
    [link] [comments]

    Took a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig gamble!!!! It paid off though ;)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:44 PM PST

    first time i’ve ever seen 4 breakout players in one week

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    I don’t know shit about Football.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:14 PM PST

    I love the game. NFL. NCAA. I watch it on Monday's and Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Multiple games per week. I'm glued in. Love each down.

    But buying this game proved to me I know jack shit about plays. There's so many plays, so many formations. I pick one that looks good, then I throw a pick.

    It's a tough learning curve out there.

    submitted by /u/NorthSevens
    [link] [comments]

    Gotta Love Madden

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    Daniel Jones First Start!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:37 PM PST

    How the fuck is this roughing the kicker!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    Reddit no literally have one question how do you stop Ezekiel Elliot this nigga is bashing defenses and my team acts like they can't tackle

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:41 PM PST

    In the Super Bowl no less

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Illegal man downfield flags

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:00 PM PST

    Whenever I play superstar KO or franchise and run a RPO and pass I always get flagged for 'illegal man downfield'. Is there anyway to stop this?

    submitted by /u/liluzisintern
    [link] [comments]

    Thanks Jalen Ramsey

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:44 AM PST

    Alternate Zone prerequisites

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:48 PM PST

    Now this may be broken but in my opinion I feel like there should be alternate prerequisites for players getting into a zone. Just like with DB x factors I feel like if a HB has a long TD run that should put them in the zone. At least in my opinion when something like that happens IRL the whole team is energized so I don't think it's a stretch to have it in game.

    On a side note offline CFM should be able to pick they're zone abilities and the only reason I say this is because you can in Ultimate Team sure you use that currency or training points or whatever so if it's not broken there why no allow franchise players to use EXP to choose their zone abilities.

    submitted by /u/CallMiFives555
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    Hurry up offense is so inconsistent

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:25 AM PST

    Can someone tell me why I just had a 12 second runoff on a 6 yard gain on a pass followed up on the next play by a 10 second run off on a 30 yard gain on a pass? In real life, you can substitute the whole team and put the kicking unit on the field in about 12 seconds so why is the runoff ever close to 12 seconds on plays that don't gain 20+ yards

    submitted by /u/the4thofhisname
    [link] [comments]

    Roughing the kicker

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:26 PM PST

    It's either a 52-17 blowout or a loss on the last second. Madden can you get your fucking sliders accurate

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:08 AM PST

    Obviously I'm not the first but c'mon man ratings don't mean ANYTHING. It's the script Madden decides before the game

    submitted by /u/orionescens
    [link] [comments]

    This is how I lost. Why (I’m the browns)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:05 PM PST

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