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    Madden NFL Madden 21 in a nutshell

    Madden NFL Madden 21 in a nutshell

    Madden 21 in a nutshell

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    So we starting already

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Me:"Mom, can we get LeSean McCoy?" Mom:"No, we have LeSean McCoy at home." LeSean McCoy at home...

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Madden is a joke

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Washington Football Team logo added in 1.04 patch!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Let’s go boys! Who has a league I can join?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    Can we get a 'Not Buying Madden' Megathread?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Madden 2021 is spectacularly awful. No one outside this sub cares, but this game developer pushes out the exact same game as the previous year, charging full price EVERY FUCKING YEAR. It's bullshit. THIS IS THE EXACT SAME GAME I BOUGHT LAST YEAR, THE YEAR BEFORE, AND THE YEAR BEFORE. Anyway, please make a megathrad. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/crantastic
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    Hi Reddit! My name is Trip Hawkins and I am the founder and first CEO of Electronic Arts, The 3DO Company, and Digital Chocolate. Most recently, you can see my work in Netflix’s High Score documentary on the history of video games. AMA!”

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    No decision anybody makes in Face of the Franchise makes any sense.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Early game story spoilers below. I don't talk about anything until you hit college games.

    No decisions anybody makes at any point in the story mode make any sense whatsoever. Not the coaches, not Tommy, not your created player, nobody. They're all idiots. It's almost like they know they're in bad script and just go along with things without ever stopping to think about it. I was yelling at my screen like it was a bad horror movie and I was watching them all decide to split up to cover more ground.

    So you meet Tommy Matthews in high school. He's the star Quarterback and you're the backup who's never played football before. No seriously, they mention that you're a hockey player. Really no decently sized high school has anybody on the squad who might know the plays and can toss the ball a few yards? Aite whatever coach it's your football team.

    But right away, Tommy's a HUGE asshole. And not even in a fun high school bully kind of way. He talks shit about everyone he meets, most of the time right to their faces. He belittles people he thinks are beneath him and he thinks everybody's beneath him. He's a real piece of shit, without even any kind of sympathy angle like he has an abusive dad or something. Classic narcissist. I am really hammering this point home because it cements how utterly stupid this story is as it goes on.

    Tommy tells you in confidence about his secret heart condition. He didn't want to but he's literally fainting and falling over in the locker room. He straight up tells you that his doctors don't think he should play. Where are this kid's parents? Actually wait I don't care I hope they're at the bottom of a ravine because fuck Tommy.

    You tell your high school coach that Tommy has a heart condition. This is a decision you can't actually make in the game of course, which is a shame because I would have kept my mouth shut and let that scrawny egomaniac die on the field. So they bench him because he might literally die if he plays football. Tommy somehow thinks this is all your fault. He chews out his coach, and might as well wave the double birds on the way out the door.

    But anyway, you take his place while he's out of commission and start kicking ass. You're clearly a really good quarterback and college scouts start talking to you. Turns out you were good at this football thing the whole time, neato. But then he comes back from heart surgery, and Tommy tells his high school head coach and the starting QB that he didn't want to come back because he's still angry. But no other team would take him because of his heart condition.

    So let me get this straight. A guy walks in uninvited to a team he doesn't play for while they're watching film. The last time they saw him he left in a blind rage and told them he was quitting. He makes it clear he's not sorry about anything he said, hasn't had any change of heart, and is still generally just a real big diarrhea diaper baby. Not only does he not apologize, His FIRST comment walking into the room is talking about something on film that you fucked up and he could have done better.

    Oh also he says he wants to play Wide Receiver now. Fucking what? No talk about if he's played the position before. No conversation between you and your coach in private about whether or not you want him as a target. No talk about how the other receivers on the team feel about getting bumped down a spot or two to make room for him. And of course absolutely no talk about his incredibly toxic locker room behavior. And of course your coach is psyched to bring him back! He's back on the squad. Fuck.

    Then Tommy comes in and is like, yo, all those scouts are going to be out there. Could you pass me the ball a bunch so I look like a superstar? Could you just ignore the part where I was an asshole to you in literally every interaction we've ever had. And also every interaction you've seen me have with another human person?

    But of course because he's the best receiver on your team by a landslide. When you actually get in the game he's always open and you'll probably pass to him a bunch. Because you're playing a damned football angel who gives Tommy every chance to be a better person. It's like he's your abusive ex boyfriend you keep letting back into your life and he keeps punching you right in the nuts.

    So whatever, now you're both on the field and you've got this sweet dynamic duo nickname of "the heartbreak kids." Isn't that cute? So you win the high school championship and you've both got offers on the table to go wherever you want. Both of you are at the same table deciding what college to go to and you pick a college. Yay!

    Then Tommy picks the same college you do no matter what you pick. He's going to the same college football team as you. And Tommy says to the small crowd gathered around that he can't break up the heartbreak kids, and he wouldn't be as sucessful without you at the helm. And the crowd literally goes "AWWWWwww."

    And there's a split second when watching this part that I thought about the story from a meta perspective. We've got this sweet nickname for the duo. You're passing like 4 touchdowns a game to this weasel. He's got the scouts with eyes on him and he's taking his next step to being a pro ball player. Maybe the 'rivalry' drama is finally over and they'll introduce a new villain linebacker on a rival team or something. Somebody who'll flatten Tommy on a slant route or injure you with a sack. Or maybe your college coach will be the new villain. They're not gonna keep going with this Tommy bullshit are they?

    That's when this motherfucker, who played up how close you are to the cameras, leans in and whispers in your ear. He tells you he's only going to the same college as you so he can take your quarterback spot from you and get you demoted just like he thinks you did to him. He's Batman and you're Robin (ACTUAL LINE HE SAYS).

    That's when I knew that this monster was gonna be with you the whole game. I was immediately depressed. This can't be the story mode right? But then it gets worse.

    You go to college, and turns out the head coach just retired. The new coach used to be the defensive coordinator. He says he doesn't give a fuck about the offence. He's going to rotate both of you in and out as quarterback because who gives a shit. He'll pick the QB he likes best. Or maybe he won't. Fuck you.

    This would make sense if you were both great quarterbacks from different high schools or something. But for the last few seasons Tommy has either been out of commission because of his peach-pit of a blood pumper, OR been wide receiver one catching one-handers and eating defensive backs for breakfast. And then the quarterback who's been throwing to him who's got future hall-of-famer written all over him despite having been a hockey player till his senior year.

    This coach is so fucking stupid that it makes your last coach look like John Madden himself. And no matter how well you play out there during your time as quarterback, even if you win your games 70 to 0, the coach decides at some point in the story to start Tommy Matthews as the quarterback. Congratulations EA, you let the Villain win.

    Now you have to either quit college football and go to the NFL early, where your coach tells you you'll probably be like a third round pick or a career backup (again, no matter how well you actually play when the ball is in your hands). Or, you can switch positions and do what Tommy did, going to wide receiver or running back. Again, Tommy wins. He follows you to college just to betray you and get his position back, and he succeeds in this. No matter how well you play.

    TLDR: This mode was written by an idiot. Fuck you Tommy Matthews. Fuck you coach Fetu Vaitai. Fuck you coach Red O'Brien. And Fuck you EA. #FixMaddenFranchise

    submitted by /u/Taste_The_Cream
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    Am i the only one here?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    decided to take the money I was going to spend on Madden and invest in something actually worthwhile

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Didn’t think that would happen , was just seeing how much the bar would go up

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    EA's response to the profane last name issue?...basically f** off we got your $$

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    "We're removing the Redskins team name and logo from the game"

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Y’all bugging this game is LIT

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I just took dads credit card my mut squad is about to be off the chizains.

    submitted by /u/jellyjanela
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    Metacritic bracing for the impact by delaying User Reviews a day

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    The worst madden i have ever played. 20 and 21 still garbage tho

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    I can’t wait to see IGN kiss the feet of EA and give this an 8.5/10

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Instead of spending $60 on a roster update with an arcade mode, spend $5 and support your local video game stores while also getting a premier football simulation

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit! My name is Gordon Bellamy and I have spent my entire career and life in video games. Most recently, you can see my work in the Madden NFL series and in Netflix’s High Score documentary on the history of video games. AMA!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    I majored in engineering at Harvard and dominated every sports game I could get my hands on. I excelled in these virtual worlds and wanted to help create the same space for others who didn't see themselves reflected on screen. At the time, in Madden NFL, the players could only be one skin color due to technological limitations. Back then, we said... "If It's In the Game, It's In the Game." I knew that representation mattered and so it was time for Madden NFL to reflect both the statistical attributes and the look of the majority of the players in the league. We also introduced create-a-player, so that people could chart their own course into the NFL. Also we added left handed quarterbacks, I'm left handed. Since then, I have spent two decades producing and marketing interactive content, and developing strategic business partnerships with video game publishers, developers, trade organizations, and technology partners, and now I teach video game development to the next inspiring generation of creators at USC Games in Los Angeles.

    Proof! https://imgur.com/a/WuH1zOt

    submitted by /u/cybercooper
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    Worst song on Madden

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    If I have to listen to this fucking girl say throw it in rotation one more time I'm gonna lose my freaking mind. The person who approves the sound track for madden should be fired, jailed, and never see the light of day again.

    submitted by /u/Neech90
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    We need a better football simulation mode

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    What happened to Madden 21 from a game devs pov

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    First I need to preface, I don't work for on Madden or know people on the team. I'm just a game programmer, who works at another studio, speculating on what could have happened during development that lead to how Madden 21 turned out based on my knowledge of making games and what I've seen of the game. If you want a click bait summary of my thoughts:

    Face of the Franchise didn't kill Franchise Mode, 2K did (maybe).

    So, I've been checking out a lot of Madden 21 gameplay and review videos because I'm dying for a good football game and wanted an excuse to get it. Unfortunately, it looks like it won't satisfy my franchise/career mode needs so I won't be buying it for now. However, I do look forward to enjoying some of the improvements they added in later titles when the modes are better. Anyways, I have some thoughts that I felt might be valuable to share, since I'm hearing a lot of speculation from these videos about franchise mode being sacrificed for things they were disappointed with.

    Based on what I've seen it looks like most of the dev time was focused on general gameplay improvements and The Yard. After that it appears the left over work was spent on Face of the Franchise in a way that wasn't programmer heavy but gave the appearance of big improvements.

    Just based on how FotF has turned out, I wouldn't be surprised if the dev team was pressured by Marketing to focus on FotF and/or made FotF in a way that tricked Marketing into getting off their back while they made less flashy but necessary improvements to the games code base and gameplay. I base this speculation on the fact that most of the "features" in FotF are more art heavy cutscenes than game impacting coding. Honestly 1-2 dedicated programmers could handle all the new code required for the added FotF "features". Using cutscenes and predetermined story paths is an easy way to appease those who don't really play games (Marketing) and requires much less effort and time than a fully fleshed out career mode with gameplay driven events and branching story paths. Honestly the scenario engine sounded like it would be a good thing to build upon to achieve a genuine career mode with a depth of possibilities to create your own unique storyline.

    The most shocking thing is that if The Yard was so heavily focused on why was there so little marketing for it, and so much for FotF? Either the marketing team didn't have faith that The Yard would be as sellable, or The Yard was added so late in development that they didn't know if it would make it in time for the release. That second scenario is what lead me to this theory.

    I could see a likely situation where FotF was going to be the focus but 2K's acquiring of the license for an arcade like game spooked EA into having there own mode to complete with it. Now that doesn't mean The Yard was made right after that announcement, it is more likely something they were already experimenting with and shifted focus to. (However, after seeing how much was added in 3 months b4 release at my own studio, its not impossible either). It's possible that The Yard was planned to come out similarly to Superstar KO (after release) or even be a next gen exclusive, and a huge amount of the dev team got moved over to help finish it on time for the release which could contribute to the bugs and unfinished feeling people have gotten.

    Again, I find it bizarre how little marketing focus was put on The Yard, especially since I think it is a much better formula for games as a service than MUT and how positive it has been received relative to everything else, all which just makes me think they didn't know if it would be ready for release and it wasn't their original focus.

    As for Franchise Mode, it's clear that it was always an after thought for Madden 21 (at least for the higher ups who make the decisions). Maybe the dev team was hoping to make improvements to it while they worked on FotF, since FotF seems to piggy back off of Franchise some, but a shift in priority would kill any chance at that. The only changes to the mode are the Wild Card (which they are required to do) and stuff that sounds like a patch. Nothing really carried over from the other modes unless it was a general gameplay thing. Again, I think improving the scenario engine would have helped both Franchise Mode and FotF. And maybe they were doing that but had to scrap it part way through due to changes in priority and time constraints (this is not uncommon).

    Again this is all just my speculation, and in the dev teams defense their development cycles are extremely short (about 1 year or less) and they are having to deal with developing for two console generations while the COVID pandemic is going on. Game development is really hard, and there are a lot of things that look like they are easy to do and fix but can actually be very hard. I could make whole videos speculating and explaining in detail why things like contracts are 7 years max or why the yard/FotF head customization can't be used on rookie draft classes, because it's nowhere near as simple as you think it. Even in this I'm over simplifying how dev time could've been spent and leaving out possible events that lead to Madden 21 being like this. There's a lot that goes into game development and nothing sucks more than when your players are disappointed and aren't understanding of that.

    TL;DR: I make games and have a theory. -Start of development: Face of the Franchise - main priority with big team, The Yard - experimental game mode with small team. -2K gets license to make NFL arcade games. -FotF - lower priority with small team, The Yard - main priority with big team. -FotF is used for marketing and back of the box features, The Yard competes against the eventual 2K game. -Game and devs suffer from late development cycle priority switch. -Any chance of big franchise improvements die with this shift.

    submitted by /u/DementedPro
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    At the time of this posting, Madden 21 for the Xbox One has a 0.6 User Rating on Metacritic with 41 reviews.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:48 PM PDT

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