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    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    Madden NFL The NFC East in a nutshell

    Madden NFL The NFC East in a nutshell

    The NFC East in a nutshell

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Are we ready to retire these guys from commentating madden? The same cringe one liners, awful calls/takes, and it’s every. Single. Game. It’s time to bring on more announcers and quit recycling the same lines year after year.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Madden 21 glitching so hard on PC that I ended up playing myself in the playoffs.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Dolphins are 6-3 and still they are the 2nd lowest overall in the game. Going to get some respect from Madden at some point?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Henry wide open in the endzone, Herbert makes the throw, and ohhhh incomplete went right through Henry's body!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 04:27 PM PST

    EA adds new mouthpieces instead of fixing this garbage game

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:45 PM PST

    I heard a song playing this game and I can't find it anywhere.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    I played madden 21 at my friends house and I heard a song that is a banger, I can only remember 2 lines and I cant find it anywhere. It goes something like this:

    Got a million dollars and Im only 19

    Shawtys got a man but she's saying wife me.

    It's been doing my head in pls help

    submitted by /u/flamingo_2
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    Which part of this roughing the kicker is your fav?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:33 AM PST

    Why can I never challenge a play online?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:32 AM PST

    As the title says, why can I never challenge a play online? Even in Madden 20 (when I first started playing madden) I could never challenge any plays. I understand that within the 2 minute warning you can't, but is it just a bug/glitch or do they seriously don't give a fuck about you trying to challenge something. I've had some plays that clearly look like Pass Interference but there's not shit I can do about it.

    submitted by /u/Hydexwxy
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    thats it... thats the last straw

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:26 AM PST

    alright you ready? this is coming from a man who just rage deleted and uninstalled after a few weeks of really trying here. ive been playing madden since 03.

    im gonna rally off things coming to mind that have been such a disappointment of madden 21. i am fresh off a total delete.

    AND by the way this is about franchise. if your one of those yuppies whos moved in and now gentrified madden with your dance celebrations with your neon and ultimate team : i fucking hate you. your the problem.

    but yea i basically snapped i reached my tolerance with this game. its a bummer its so bad. im a pretty stupid dude so to put something out that really gets me this worked up kinda goes to show how bad of a game.

    So whats going on thru my mind right now? no matter what - therell never be an enjoyable way to play madden21. it just isnt going to get better. this is how the game is. no matter what difficulty or slider or game style - the negatives always outweighing the good.

    because either win or lose , ill be questioning the games authenticity throughout the game because of their failed scripting format in this piece of shit waste of a game.

    and i spent the last few weeks TRYING to give this game a chance. basically praying the new update showed something (i honestly think its gotten worse - way more laggy and just overkill) .. i feel like maybe its why all the posts are more prevalent than ever ?

    either way- my hands are wiped clean. im coming to you admittedly as a broken man. now i can bitch.

    and tell me if you had similar thoughts / problems:

    ok first of all 3 game styles ??!! - what the fuck is this thought process?? what a joke that EA , who over the yrs have butchered and made an abortion out of a football vid game are NOW trying to provide 3 different game styles ??!. 3??? they cant get 1 style right. and i know you all know what i mean. arcade is bullshit. and the only real difference between sim/ competition is in Simulation your WRs actually go up for the ball. regardless, both styles are slow, magnetic, and just so repetitive.

    and whats with arcade being the only style for my QB to just snap and not take his time. cause in sim/comp - who the fuck wants to watch their qb walk up to the line doing fake pointing/signals THAT we know is absolutely nothing. he isnt calling shit. does EA think this "graphic" is cool? it just clogs up the game.

    all the game styles are fucked. nice

    so i tried messing with sliders to make things more enjoyable. arcade couldnt be more unrealistic. winning in arcade is less fulfilling than cheap scripted losses in the other styles.

    but i dont think the sliders even work . i tried turning fumbles down for arcade - the cpu fumbled every time i touched their QB or hit sticked.

    In competition i turned my picks , pass coverage, reaction up to like 90 : and nick mullen still shredded me (it was a serious problem like i had played that game 4 times trying out different sliders )

    tried upping my pass protection, nothing

    tried lowering their interceptions- even down to 30. i still kept getting picked off . the standard same stuff.

    yea and maybe i suck . but then whats the point of sliders?? another fuckin cog in the wheel apparantly. making this game all chunky

    so the "game play" in terms of settings is absolutely horrendous.

    now to the actual game :

    it sucks. it so magnetic. and slow. and just uncomfortable. the celebrations for sack, 1st, td whatever are so stupid. ben rothelisberger doing fortnight dances shouldve been enough for me to turn it off.

    the game is SLOW AND BORING and Repetitive. the same plays i know are gonna work, but the tackles, the announcers, the animations, everything .. the play calls from the cpu are always the same.

    looking back i can tell i didnt have fun for 1 second trying to play this game ...

    but i kept trying to figure it out. its a pandemic here i gotta keep entertained.

    so id try the hurry up offense. ive always been a fan. its a reliable thing id always do in the past to pick up the pace / i like my mismatch and or formation vs theirs.

    now maybe because it wasnt a "reasonable" moment by maddens logic (like 2 min warning) - but almost certainly every time id go to hurry up id end up turning the ball over , or like get sacked

    did anyone ever feel the same? you hurry up and the cpu starts immediately getting favored in the script?

    back in the early days i could always count on the hurry up now its a liability and very uncomfortable

    ALTERNATIVELY though the CPU absolutely crushes the hurry up. and not for any reason beaides a glitch. this one i gotta know if i was the only one:

    when on defense and theyre in hurry up, id be in man and my entire Defense would freak and basically flip the play . so instead of covering the guys in front of them, theyd try to cover the WR on the other side of the field?? (and i even tried changing the coaching adjustments - still happened) so so many timeouts i had to waste because of this. let me know

    also on the topic of defense freaking out - you ever have 10 guys on the field and 1 guy is running back and forth durin pre snap with 2 assignments?

    alright what else: the blocking techniques are miserable. guys cant make holes or even worse theyll just totally disregard defenders to block running isnt fun or fresh. it feels so predetermined majority of the time.

    really if you want to break one you have to outrun them to the sideline by kinda bouncing back a few yards and yea it just looks so bad.

    the concept of momentum is nonexistent. ive had guys full speed just crumble to a corner whose flat footed.

    also breaking a tackle isnt chill. it does nothing.. like the animation is so slow that youll get immediately tackled again. all other jukes with the right stick just dont work. no shake and bakes this yr. i enjoyed that from the past. stiff arms dont work the only juke tthat sort of does (down on the right stick/ stanky leg) and it looks absolutely ridiculous.

    anyways back to gameplay; youu basically know from the second you snap the ball whether that play is going to be positive or negative. especislly on play actions.

    ive had my qb slip and bullshit back there when i dont touch a thing. yet ive also seen my qb bullshit into some drop back animation while im desperately trying to move him up in the pocket.

    recievers stop short on routes, and even worse will watch the play as it breaks down and not retry getting open. like with the "playmaker stick" they run upfield.. and its after sitting still.

    i hate this game

    what else sucks? everything.

    kick returns are dumb and feel random. plus the little things that annoy me. like why does 1/2 blocker have to be so fuckin slow where im running into his ass. i cant sub him out. its fucked. but its also not like id know if i was good or not without that dude (your fullback) cause everyone sucks at blocking

    ive never seen a missed extra point from cpu

    how come there are never missed snaps? never once

    the amount of slant passes that the cpu runs on me... i always focus "inside" on passes in pre snap. especially in redzone. still nothing different . the amount of times another defender will be running to cover their man and its a quick pass so THEY WATCH (cause you know, great graphics...) the ball go right in front of them. it blows my mind. their head is following the ball, EA created this feature. these guys are straight up looking in the backfield a d tracking the ball- BUT the pass goes right in front of them while theyre watching and its hilariously stupid. they wont make a play on the ball

    all the while the CPU wont even be facing me and know exactly when to break on a route.

    if you punt and put air under it, and put backspin - 8/10 times the ball will bounce backwards (towards me) 10 feet.

    no refs, the sidelines are embarrassing. NO COACHES.

    the celebrations? who is honestly writing this out snd approving? why do they work on this project ,?? they obviously have the slightest interests in developing a great football game. they care more about dance dance revolution and the autonomous zone

    no starting lineups - thats crazy!! , no good commentator instant replay. no spotlights, players to look out for - consistent player stats. id go full games not knowing other teams running back. especially not knowing their season. i never saw one challenge overturned. even the stat boards after plays under the clock etc dont show if wr scored a td.

    no matchups cb vs wr hardly and stats

    zero depth in the gameplay. its miserable and cold dark and lonely

    halftime show is nothing no reporting no coin toss

    CHOOSING TO DEFEND A SIDE !!! "defend left" "defend right" if im playing for the first time I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT SIDE has the wind behind me. ...or playing high at 1am and in overtime. yea had no idea which side was in favor. just say with wind!!??

    what else about the game play? honestly good offensive lineman dont make a change - and did i miss the memo/training on what the fuck those green and red blocks next to your oline/ dline meant??

    ive never understood anything less. and never got an explanation.

    half the time you get the dline move and its pointless theyre laggin and still doing their stupid moves in front of just the qb.

    the amout of time a dlineman will stay engaged on a block even if the qb has moved to right behind them .. just turn around..

    or qbs throwing across their body / somehow not taking the sack and or fumble and jts an incomplete... or the worst qb hold onto the ball forever, pass rush is shit, and they complete a 40 yard pass to the wr running back to him .. because the other corner backs are just standing next to their assignment (ill get more to the lack of ingenuity of player controlled Db)

    alright some problems about the franchise mode: how is their no upcoming free agents ticker. id like to see whos gonna be on the market

    because the resigning process is total bullshit. btw you have to wait until week X to negotiate?? what and why ? i havent seen things change based on a contract yr. plus theres no negotiation. you cant go lower than recommended.

    also in offseason you cant see how much a player signed by unless you go find them and see their contract

    and why cant the signing free agents be challenging? at rhe very least more than just length, salary, bonus. i mean come on!!!! let us pitch them , see what they want , what will help them make decisions

    also why cant you negotiate a free agent during the year? or resign a player that has 2 yrs or restructure. why cant i make guarantees on contracts? incentives, opt outs? why arent there hold outs or players that want to be traded. it seems like the 1st yr you have a coach talking to you about upcoming games, some times players if thsyre gonna retire... but thats it. after the 1st yr its gone.

    player development- why do we have 1 trainer. why cant we have more? only 3 players to get focused training?

    why cant guys come back heavier/ smaller why cant we have players with good offseason and who hasnt? that was another feature taken away only a few yrs ago.

    and i say that because it sucks how the XP upgrading for your players is a complete waste of time. just a hoax baby i learned the hard way how nothing matters. your choice in upgrade means absolulte shit. - everything still gets upgraded. like your not actually deciding or specially crafting a player. its not like just "elusive" or "route runner" will only upgrade those traits. look for yourself- choose any option and everything usually increases. like everything in this fuckin game - its been predetermined. and is a waste if time.

    and its the zero care:

    playbooks / subs etc. its the same its been for 5 years. cant make your own playbook? are you kidding me. if i want to put a shifty wr at running back i cant?

    minicamps , the offseason, the trade deadline and all. i got a total Zero trade offers - unless i put someoen on the block.

    look at NBA they have upcoming free agents . they have older mentors for younger players.

    why for pro bowl if your in the superbowl they wont tell you if your guys made it. even if they have to be replaced. i hate going thru my roster seeing whose made it. i dont remember that being a rule in the NFL: if your in the superbowl your no longer a probowler tell me who my guys getting replaced by, or who theyre replacing let me see the stats SOMETHING of the mvp or the pro bowlers

    where am i hiring my new staff from ? what team whats their deal?

    can i get a little more info about draft prospects, their college stats etc. can i see some action in the draft??? an empty stadium?!

    what about the combine. let me see it - let their be a better way of combing thru drill results.

    the overall stadium and upgrading/ moving etc. you decide to and its a predetermined upgrade. let me install a fuckin pool. not just upgrade when its below 40 .

    it sucks man cause like i have no experience in coding but if i could you all can bet your ass id deliver a sick franchise mode. where you can really create i just don't understand

    like this stuff is just top of mind. its bare minimum yet this game doesnt even have it.

    this game is a skeleton outline with 0 depth. its truly the worst game ive ever seen.

    Oh last thing: I tried getting a refund for the game 3 days after i bought it. i saw the reviews and realized i made a mistake. (im stuck wfh , i had no choice) BUT i couldnt get a refund. see theres a 14 day window AS LONG as you never open the game... so basically you buy the game, but you cant try it. if you dont like it, theres not even a partial refund.

    like im trying to work some scheme to play madden for only the first 14 days. and the irony is the glitches and the issues are all there and very well known about - yet they wont take this god forsaken game off my hands. like we wouldnt complain/ know if we never olayed in the first place. but if youve played even once , you cant return..even partially? it just feels wrong. its not like its clothes or a bed where i physically touch it. i downloaded this bullshit online. and i had to play it to realize that i wanted nothing to do with it. kinda those catch 22s you hear about.

    either way its cowardly stuff. and worse it shows the type of people in charge. they dont even have the confidence of letting madden speak for itself.

    im still writing EA an email every day expecting a refund. saying how i never saw an "all sales final" when purchasing -

    i say we put forth a class action lawsuit. i feel like the miserable quality of this game , the reviews, its reputation is enough to show theyre releasing a game that isnt complete. its bad ethics by EA , bad practice, and pretty fuckin shady.

    ... only problem is- no one wants to lead this class action cause no one wants to admit theyr wasting their life playing this shitty game !!!

    and i kno i asked a lot of questions that the answer will be like "they only care about ultimate team and the packs"

    but this was my closure on madden in my life.and i just needed to put these thoughts and disappointments , to organize my hatred for EA somewhere

    SO if any of what ive just written has resonated with you .. even slightly... - then get out. its not too late. get out of there. look ive been there. i lived there. it doesnt get better.. im telling ya, the next game wont be the one that turns the corner. the next draft and free agency or season isnt gonna give that happiness and feeling madden used to. those days are gone its the same bullshit and its gonna stay the same bullshit. time and time again.

    delete your franchise and uninstall.

    i promise the game will not get better. quit chasing the dragon. cause just like drugs, this game does not care


    find happiness in poetry or walks. or just go to the titty drop page of reddit

    submitted by /u/ElectricalFinding289
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    New to Madden 21: Anyone else feel like Alvin Kamara should still be an X-Factor? He's still really good

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:14 PM PST

    Fuck this game.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:13 PM PST

    It's literally unplayable on All Madden. Your offensive line can't hold a four man rush for more then 3 seconds and every pass you make is either dropped or a safety comes out of nowhere to pick it. Fuck this game

    submitted by /u/Matthewtodd97
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    The coin toss .. memories

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:23 AM PST

    Literally in madden purgatory

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I'm pissed...I play madden all the time, watch all the tips and tricks videos out there and implement them whenever I play, but it does no good. All-Pro I blow out any team I'm playing against, All-Madden I play like Nathan Peterman. Theres no middle ground, either it's too easy or I just suck lmao. I've been playing madden since I was little so youd think by now I'd be able to play and have fun while still having a challenging experience no problem, but nope.

    submitted by /u/D_mWn965-2
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    Really Close Game Thanks For Coming Out Washington

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

    who are professional esports writers who cover madden you read?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:05 PM PST

    i know there're lots of streamers and twitter posts and all that, but are there any professional esports writers who regularly cover Madden that are worth reading? like they'd cover the whole Madden universe? the game, tournaments, glitches, all of it... anyone worth following?

    submitted by /u/jvilldg
    [link] [comments]

    It would be nice for a few additions to Madden to make it more appealing

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:40 PM PST

    I would love to see Skip and Shannon added to franchise mode, I would love to watch after a game and see Shannon say Skiiiiiip!!! Lol

    Make the hand towels a little longer like in real life, and have options on where you can place your hand towel

    Tucked and untucked jerseys during the game

    Slim the fit of the flak jacket, you can make a 200lbs QB and his flak jacket is bigger than Mahomes who is 230lbs even if you turn the belly slider to 0

    Tattoos and more hairstyle options

    A face scan option, like come on EA you can do face scan for NBA Live but nah, not Madden?

    Actual training camp with shoulder pads, gym shorts, helmet, and cleats like real life

    And add a couple of gym workouts, you know the things real athletes do to keep themselves able to compete at a professional level? There's absolutely no excuse for PS2 and Xbox to have tons of features in their game that a 2020 version doesn't have a fraction of.

    submitted by /u/NewWave93
    [link] [comments]

    Which penalty is it that turns the ball over, again?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:34 PM PST

    XB1 Fantasy League looking to fill spots (29/32)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:30 PM PST

    Fantasy drafted teams league looking for a few players to fill out league. 48 hour advances and a bunch of great people to play with. We chat over discord and have a great time. We are currently in week 7 of year one so now is a great time to join. Comment or DM for invite

    Teams open

    Rams - Harrison Smith, Jamal Adams, Sherman, Denzel Ward, Desmond King, Marlon Mack, Teddy B, Tyrell Williams, Curtis Samuel

    Bears - Keenan Allen, Amari Cooper, Ertz, Arik Armstead, Cam Newton, LeVeon, Bouye, JPP

    Jets - Tannehill, Dalvin Cook, Juju, Alshon, Tyron Smith, Hooper, Bradberry, Akiem Hicks, Suh, Chung, Damarious Randall

    submitted by /u/DangleShot
    [link] [comments]

    XB1 Little Giants Football League looking to fill spots (28/32)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:25 PM PST

    Regular teams league looking for a few players to fill out league. 48 hour advances and a bunch of great people to play with. We chat over discord and have a great time. We are currently in week 11 of year one so now is a great time to join. Comment or DM for invite

    Teams open

    Texans 2-7

    Jets 2-8

    Lions 0-9

    Rams 4-5

    submitted by /u/DangleShot
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    Madden 21 Regs league [XBOX] [25/32]

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:25 PM PST

    Regs league in week 5 season 2 but almost all teams are still intact. Devs and age reductions were given the 1st year.

    Open Teams are: Chiefs, Packers, Raiders, Vikings, Texans, Steelers and the Falcons

    -Spamming and running the same formation isn't tolerated -Chill people and environment -48 Hour Advances

    To join Discord click here

    submitted by /u/kavelle4800
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    Is There Anyway To Get a Refund For The Game?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:07 PM PST

    I just bought it and it really sucks. It's broken in so many ways and I frankly just don't want it

    submitted by /u/NHL1995
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    Which is better golden tockets or legendaries

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:06 PM PST

    I'm curious idk so pls tell me lol

    submitted by /u/VN_gangrene
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    Starting a PlayStation CFM soon, Bunch of spots open

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:00 PM PST

    If you wanna join click discord link or comment if link is expired

    submitted by /u/jkQuack22
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